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Corona deathless day, less than 100 detected

In the last 24 hours (from 8 am yesterday Monday to 8 am today Tuesday), no one has died due to Corona in the country. At this time, 93 people have been diagnosed with corona. One person died of corona the previous day. And 259 patients were identified.

This afternoon in the press release of the Department of Health, 2 thousand 110 samples were tested in the last 24 hours. The detection rate against the test is 4.41. The previous day this rate was 4.002.

So far 20 lakh 9 thousand 222 people have been diagnosed with corona in the country. 19 lakh 51 thousand 965 people have recovered from Corona. So far 29 thousand 314 people have died of Corona.

The first corona was detected in Bangladesh on March 8, 2020. Since then, the figure of corona infection in the country has been seen to fluctuate several times. From the end of last year to the middle of last February, the micron type of corona lasted. After that the infection started to decrease. From June, the corona infection started to increase again. Later it gradually decreased.

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