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5 American Priorities Which Must Not Be Delayed!

 5 American Priorities Which Must Not Be Delayed!

In, almost any circumstance, whether, related to a non-public matter, any organization/ group, and/ or, regarding, public provider issues, perhaps, nothing is, as risky/ treacherous, as procrastination, especially, when, nicely - considered, well-timed motion is needed, and indicated! As difficult, as it becomes, in each and every circumstance, when it comes to national policies, agenda, actions, etc, it is even, more - so!

 Politicians, who seem, to put their perceived, personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest, in advance of the higher good, usually, use empty promises, rhetoric, etc, to stir, fears and emotions/ prejudice, of their supporters, alternatively than serving, and representing, all! With, that in mind, this article will strive to, briefly, consider, examine, examine, and discuss, 5 American priorities, which must not be delayed!

1. The threats and ramifications of Climate Change: We often witness, individual politicians, and elected officials, attempt to downplay, and deny, the doable threats, from Climate Change! Nearly, all scientists and experts, in that field, are involved with the ramifications of this, in terms of the sustainability, and nicely-being, of this planet! When any politician, equates this threat, with monetary circumstances/ benefits, it appeals to his core supporters, but, no longer the higher good! Unless, we begin to tackle these dangers, proactively, we risk vast changes in climate, the degree of the seas, etc! The Earth can't have the funds to procrastinate, but, its supervisor must, strategically, and in a nicely - considered manner, take smart actions, to make sure sustainability, and a wholesome planet, for future generations!

2. Environmental protections: We must hand - over, to future generations, a planet, with smooth air and water! Shouldn't it be, our responsibility, to depart our planet, in higher condition, than we located it? We cannot permit politicians, to avoid doing this, due to the fact it appears to be, an inconvenient truth!

3. Voting rights: How can we, continue, guiding, ourselves, as a democracy, unless/until, we defend balloting rights, for - all? We need a representative, form of government, where all citizens, are handled equally, especially, in phrases of their get right of entry to, and right, to vote, freely! If we delay, we danger our form of government, and the Constitutional guarantees, rights, and freedoms, forever!

4. Equal rights/ protection: We ought to demand, truly, equal rights, for all! That means, defending all rights, and freedoms, as an alternative to only, selective ones! It can't be based on politics, political affiliations, beliefs, or, any agenda, but, rather, practice equally, too, that and for, all!

5. End the polarization: Denying, that the country, is greater polarized, than, ever before, in recent memory, does not make it, go away! Instead, we need to request, a return to amplercivility, and endeavoring to create, a well-considered, assembly - of - the - minds, for the extra sumptuous good!

Wake up, America, and demand, public, and elected officials, address these pressing priorities, sooner, alternatively than later, and we no longer, permit procrastination, in addressing what is most crucial and urgent! Will you come to be a more responsible voter and citizen?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted with thousands of leaders, carried out private development seminars, and labored on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and hundreds of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook web page for frequent sense: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

Why Politicians Lost Our FAITH?

Many feel, that we are currently, undergoing, at the very - least, a period, where, there appears, to be the most division, and polarization, in cutting-edge memory! While, irregular extremists, can also enjoy, there, hopefully, brief - lived, electricity and influence, we need to hope, somehow, there is some semblance of common sense, and much less partisan behavior, often, which is divisive, and does not serve the increased good, and greater focal point on striving for, and achieving, a meeting - of - the - minds, for the higher good! For this nation to succeed, a bipartisan approach, where we go with our most distinguished political/ public leaders/ officials, based totally on their priorities, serving and representing, all, alternatively than only, the choose - few! We have witnessed, continuously, the loss, of the public's FAITH, in our system, and these individuals, and, we need, and deserve better! With, that in mind, this article will try to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Facts; future; fairness; for the ish; fruition; fate: The fate of this nation, and the planet, may additionally depend, largely, on whether we restore, public confidence, and trust! The public needs, and deserves to know and understand the facts, and the giant difference, between those, and an individual's opinions, political - spin, etc! We want fairness, as a key, to our paths, and actions! Before it's too late, we should begin, electing people, who are ready, willing, and able to furnish the most responsible, and responsive leadership, and bring it, to fruition!

2. Attitude; aptitude; attention; actions; aspirations: We need people, with a genuine, positive, can - do, attitude, and far-less, negativism, and populism, as well as a well-developed, relevant, aptitude, and talent - set, and are inclined to pay keen attention, to the selections and alternatives, and proceed, with actions, which decorate our aspirations, and hopes, alternatively of our fears, and biases/ prejudice!

3. Inspire; integrity; improvements; insights: How many elected officials, do you believe, actually, proceeded, with genuine, absolute integrity, rather than their own, personal/ political agenda design and self-interest? We want consistently, properly - considered, plausible modifications, and solutions, which inspire e, our citizens, toward, making this nation, and the world, better! Wouldn't it be better, if these officials, possessed the insights, to see the bigger- picture?

4. Trust/ truth; together; timely; time-tested: Why must the public believe anyone, who may not inform the truth? We want people, who prioritize, bringing us together, for the extra awesome good, using frequent sense, in a properly - considered, well-timed manner, and taking gain of the smartest, relevant, sustainable, time - tested, knowledge, experience, expertise, judgment, and, hopefully, wisdom!

5. Humane; healing; head/ heart: Shouldn't a requirement, of public leading, be, proceeding, in a humane, restoration way? Obtaining this, requires, aligning one's emotional and logical components, in a head/ coronary heart balance!

Wake up, America, and demand, that those we elect, to serve and represent us, and all our Constitutional guarantees, do so, consistently? If they want to regain our FAITH, this must turn out to be a requirement and necessity!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted with heaps of leaders, conducted non-public development seminars, and labored on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and lots of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook web page for common sense: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

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