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South Korea calls for talks with North on family reunions

 South Korean Unification Minister Kwon Young-se said time is running out for the elderly Koreans who are separated from their loved ones one either side of the border

South Korean Unification Minister Kwon Young-se said time is running out for the elderly Koreans who are separated from their loved ones on either side of the border

Seoul's new safe government made the proposal in the midst of stressed relations with Pyongyang over its rocket tests. The last reunions were held in 2018.

South Korea's new government proposed chats with North Korea on Thursday to sort out one more round of family get-togethers, as pressures ascend over Pyongyang's rocket tests.

Around 40,000 Koreans stay isolated on one or the other side of the boundary, most of whom are in their eighties and nineties. Many are wanting to rejoin their friends and family before they bite the dust.

"The South and the North ought to stand up to the difficult aspects of the truth," Seoul's Unification Minister Kwon Young-she said in a broadcast preparation. "We should tackle the matter before the term 'isolated families' vanishes."

Faimly reunions have been held periodically over the decades during times of calm between the North and South
Family reunions have been held periodically over the decades during times of calm between the North and South

In spite of the fact that specialists say North Korea is probably not going to acknowledge the proposal soon, Kwon said he will "consistently make propositions" to hold more family get-togethers.

Rising pressures on the Korean promontory

South Korea's moderate president Yoon Suk-yeol, who got to work in May, uncovered a "brassy" plan to give monetary guide consequently to atomic demilitarization on the Korean promontory. Notwithstanding, he has likewise sworn to take an intense position towards any possible incitements.

Kim Yo Jong, the strong sister of North Korean pioneer Kim Jong Un, said last month that Yoon ought to "shut his mouth" and her nation wouldn't sit up close and personal with him, referring to his arrangement as "silly."

Thursday's proposition by the South to continue family get-togethers comes after North Korea sloped up rocket tests lately. Nonetheless, the Unification Minister said the reunions wouldn't be important for the guide for denuclearization offer.

"The brassy arrangement and helpful issues can go in equal, carrying beneficial outcomes to one another," Kwon said on Thursday.

The last reunions were held in 2018.

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